Vertigo is a disorder that can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and even nausea from time to time. This can be very disorienting and may even interfere with activities of daily living. Thankfully, there are treatments available for vertigo – including physiotherapy.
Let’s look at what the research says about physio’s efficacy in treating vertigo.

What Is Vertigo?
Vertigo is an inner-ear condition that causes feelings of dizziness, unsteadiness, or light headedness due to a disturbance in how your brain perceives motion; this can lead to feeling like either you or your environment around you is spinning, leading to associated nausea/vomiting, etc., and potentially difficulty moving around normal life activities too.
Although its exact cause isn’t always known & symptoms vary between people. It’s generally believed that most cases are caused by a problem within the vestibular system (inner ear).
What Are Common Treatments for Vertigo?
Current treatments for vertigo typically focus on controlling symptoms such as balancing exercises, medications, and vestibular rehabilitation (VR) through specialized physios trained in managing such conditions. VR usually consists of exercises designed to reduce discomfort while also helping retrain balance receptors, enabling them to better cope with movement being sensed within the body, allowing a person suffering to return control of their lives & enjoy day-to-day activities again without fear of failure or excessive fatigue/stress.
Does Physiotherapy Work for Vertigo?
Yes – physiotherapy works for vertigo! Studies have shown that over 80% of those suffering from vertigo benefit significantly from VR treatments prescribed by certified physical therapists; hence we conclude that physiotherapy should always be considered when dealing with vertiginous disorders.
Despite initial doubts many hold towards approaches not traditionally seen in the medicine/pharmaceuticals field, evidence has certainly backed up that this form of treatment is incredibly effective in reducing both symptom intensity and duration. No wonder more professionals are now advising sufferers to look into the regime prescribed to them before going straight medications, etc.
Are There Any Side Effects From Physiotherapy?
No significant side effects are associated with physiotherapeutic treatments for vertigo beyond those commonly experienced during exercise sessions (muscle aches, etc.).
People who undergo these exercises often report improved endurance performance plus increased enjoyment of daily life overall due to enhanced movement functions restored via the corrective program they followed so long as continuation recommended physio-preventative measures were taken after completion of the course itself.
Physiotherapeutic options provide an excellent alternative treatment option for those looking to tackle their vertiginous disorders without relying on medications or surgery.
Not only do they prove just as effective as traditional medical approaches, but they come with minimal side effects & improved quality of life post-treatment too.
With strong research backing its effectiveness plus easy availability across most countries worldwide now more than ever, it’s worth considering if you suffer from persistent symptoms preventing enjoying daily activities like walking/climbing stairs, etc.
If you need to get your vertigo treated, don’t hesitate to reach out to our chiropractic care Oakville.